Cuban cigar and coffee are world famous products. On the other hand, chocolate isn’t widely known, I think. But good cacaos bathed in sunshine are cultivated in Cuba.
The history of cacao industry is long and dates back from the Spanish colonial period. Cacao entered here in 1540. It was one of the most important roles in Cuban traditional food culture until the 19th century. Cubans used to drink cocoa at breakfast.
While Guantánamo has already been famous for US Naval Base, it had better be known as the land for cacao. Its market share grew to the top, with as much as 85% of the total domestic production.
The mountain range of Cuba Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa brings about great diversity, height and temperature, those conditions are good for cacao production.
When I strolled around the town, Guantánamo, I encountered a classical chocolate shop, LA PRIMADA. In order to avoid the hot sun and take a break, I stopped by this shop and ordered local hot chocolate. I was amazed at the deliciousness and at the rich texture of chocolate. This thick drink carries energy and nutrients throughout the body. As cacao is often compared to ‘Food of gods’, its consumption confers medicinal properties, like healing and anti-rust effects.
The average life span of Cubans is almost 80 years, and is one of the highest in the world. Such a blessings of nature may help a person to stay healthy.
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