As you Know, the 5 Best Wine Regions in the World is Italy, France, Spain, USA and Argentina. On the other hand Wine labels from the New World start entering the wine market. Aythaya and Red Mountain from Myanmar are no exceptions. Maybe not so many person can associate Myanmar with wine, unless he/she has a connoisseurship in wine. But vineyards exist, and they are offering quality local wines.

Generally speaking, the climate in Myanmar is tropical, and it is difficult for grapes to survive. But the situation that surrounds above two wineries is quite different. They are located near Inle Lake: the climate is cool (even chilly in the early morning and night) and refreshing air is brought, because of the altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. In addition, fertile soil is suitable for culturing grape. Thanks for these natural conditions, two wineries can offer delicious wines.

These days vineyard has become a popular destination for travelers. I also love enjoying aroma and its taste, looking at the extensive grapevines. During my trip in Myanmar, I had an undiscovered experience: I went to Red Mountain Estate Vineyards & Winery.
Francois Raynal, a French winemaker, started the operation of Red Mountain in 2002. It was the second vineyard in Myanmar. (First one, Aythaya, was established in June 1999.) It adopted brewing method of traditional western style as well as the new technologies and modern equipments. Now they produce wide variety of wines and 120,000 bottles. (2012)
From the village of Nyaung Shwe, it was about 30 minutes ride by bicycle. I didn’t need to worry about the the route: just followed the road till the sign of winery. In addition bicycle tour never made me tired and bored. Because I could enjoy the landscape of peaceful countryside and get refreshed under the shining sun.
After the observation of wine making process, it was time for wine. As the winery is located on a hill, the prospect is particularly fine. Sweeping views of the Inle valley and majestic mountain chain, I could enjoy flavorful wine. First I had the taster of 4 different wines; two red, one rose and one white. And then I ordered another glass of wine as well as local food.
I went there at lunch time in the sun, but I heard that this place is also good for sunsets. This became a wonderful experience for me.
Red Mountain Estate
Taung Chay Village Group, Nyaungshwe Township, Southern Shan State, Myanmar.
+95-081-209366 or +95-081-209554
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